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Monday 27 February 2012

The EOS Outbreak - notes and Introduction

This is a letter for the future generations. 
The EOS outbreak of 2012, what can I say to describe it? Well my dad once described it as "The single worst thing that can happen to humanity", no one saw it coming, no one knew how it spread or how to trace it or even how tell if people we're "infected", as the media said, until it was too late. All we knew was we had to run and hide, so we did. The military did their usual 'quarentine until further notice' scheme but it failed just like everything else because their arrogance lead to them assuming it was a normal earth-like infection. They were clearly in the gray area of knowlege and the qaurentine proved this, the "infection" spread faster than days turning into weeks. The media kept releasing online articles with 'the most up to date information on the subject as its discovered', thats the way they described their attempts at spreading knowlege as quickly as possible but as soon as everything went tits up all over the world they stopped posting.

The fading light gives promise to the young child, that the evil he now see’s in his father’s eyes will never enter his. Even as innocent as he is inside he must stand and fight the urge to run he must convince his father that the rage and torment he desires to release upon him will soon fade and the shackles will be loosened once more.

*live online article*
The prime minister released a statement last night pertaining details about a recent epidemic outbreak, the pathogen has yet to be named. The epidemic has reportedly been spreading rapidly through densely populated areas around the globe. The symptoms of this unnamed pathogen have been identified to influence the most basic of emotions, anger and euphoria. It is also believed to be linked with insomnia and acute amnesia, causing an individual to have incredible mood swings and erratic sleeping patterns as well as forgetting periods of their day. Not much is known about the pathogen but whilst trying to identify how it is transmitted from person to person it was found not to be air born, more work is being done to try and understand this new pathogen.
As the moon becomes more focused in the night sky the father, “woken up” by the moon light blinding him and forcing his pupils to flip from behind his eyes, asks for the keys to unshackle his wrists from the floor and his ankles from the wall beneath the window in a tone only taken by a man in pain and torment, breathless and broken. The boy, no more than 13 years old, passes the keys to his father still proving he trusts in the decisions he takes and the bond between son and father is still burning in them both as its all they have left in this desolate and ravaged land.

The father, regaining his strength, slowly pulls himself towards a beaten and burnt cupboard next to what seems to be a roll of insulation from when the outbreak hadn't occured. As the father opens the cupboard the boy races over whiping his tears away and running to his father's care, they both sit and rest for a few moments, huddled up like they used to when all this hadn't destroyed everything, when all this was just a page in a paper in someone else's country. After the comforting and warm hug from his father the boy knew what was coming, the booster shot.
*live online article*
The scientific community has looked into the effects of the pathogen and have come up with some enlightening information on theyet to be namedoutbreak. One world renowned scientist said "There seems to be some form of a pattern with the, so called 'infected'. Their living habbits in the first few days change drematically, forcing them to sleep lees and less and have a higtened sense of reproduction during day time." More from this outbreak will be posted in the near future.
As the shot is administered the boy's sense of time is effected, giving him a feeling that as the life saving, thick, blue liquid is slowly pushed through the veins of his left arm, he drops in and out of being "infected". The boy regains his sense of time and curles up in his fathers arms, his father comforts him, lays him down to sleep and weeps in agony for just like any parent, all he wishes is the best for his child and this devistation and corrupted "virus" has completely destroyed the young boys faith in any human's love for life.
*live online article*
The army and the prime minister have put in place a quarentine effective imeddietly accross places such as Manchester, London and Liverpool. This quarentine also has boundaries for travel which include a blood test, a proof of identity check and all persons will recieve a. RTN slip (Right to Travel at Night)as the belief so far is that anyone "infected" are imune at night. Further tests are being done and further articles will be issued in the future.

Given the situation the government ahd nothing else to do but run and hide, all they knew was that the "infection" had no common infected species, it even infected animals accross the world. They knew absolutely nothing about how it was spread and knew no way of tracing it back to its originated source, all they could do now was let it ravage the earth and restart as many species as they could when it was all over, bad idea.
The boy wakes up with a panic stricken look on his face and a cold sweat, he looks at his father in chains screaming at him with spit and his eye's behind his head, locked up again. The boy walks slowly and shaking down the burnt and rotten stairs into an abandoned house below, he switches on an old tape player to listen to some Beatles to calm his nerves and to drown out his father. As he puts on an apron to cook something he remembers the days where him and his father took him and his older brother to their favorite resturant for sunday lunch to celebrate their mum in her achievement of becoming Manager of that years biggest band


Split emotions via evil (zombie aggression, sadness, negative mood swings) = day

 good = night etc.

The reader is the first to be infected; they all share a telepathic link through a heightened sense of emotion. Keep getting flashes of harm and suffering.

Name scientifically = Psychotic Insomnia Disorder (P.I.D)

Name coined by the world = The Eos outbreak, was given by the historian who found the origin of the infection after his encounter with the alien who crash landed on earth to influence lifes evolution/ distruction to be sure his "bet" would win in the end.

Facts about the “pathogen”:

1.       7-15 days – phase one (sleep becomes irregular e.g. less sleep in the night, by 15th day 2 hours of sleep maximum. Whilst in stage one no visually noticeable effects have occurred but there is a heightened sense of reproduction during the day.

2.       16-30 days - phase two (lack of sleep begins to take effect on the hosts’ physiology, e.g. eyes looking tired, lack of tone or definition to the skin but most noticeable is the hair loss in patches and a sense of fear towards mirrors)

3.       31- 60 days – phase three (the emotions of the infected become erratic and unpredictable; they begin to kill or brutally harm anything that gets in the way of their goal in that moment in time.)

4.       61 days and over – phase four (the infected only respond to the moon light, it brings back their humanity and brings their personality back from rage and torment. If there is no moonlight there is no sanity and no remorse, if any human were to come in contact with an infected that were unshackled they would be torn limb from limb.

5.       If a baby is conceived during phase one or in the first few days of phase two the baby will survive but will be infected for all of its life, if it is conceived out of the early stages of the infection then the baby will die in the womb and infect the mother.

6.       If a baby is born, the mother is safe from infection as the baby holds the entire irregular DNA.

7.       If the booster shot is administered in the day the “host” has a heightened chance of becoming infected.