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Friday 29 July 2011


Human Interaction (H.I.)


Human Interaction or H.I. Is a literal universal game for alien life. The story begins with a single form of alien creating the universe using the big bang theory and then multiplies, creates a hierarchy and creates a black market in their own system. This gives them opportunities to give humans a little kick start in their technological and intellectual advancements (e.g. how to master fire) to eventually (through thousands of years) see how far their advancements will go and using them as pawns in their own betting game.

Throughout history we have had various different breakthroughs in our efforts to grow as a race and we have now taken over the entire planet but are not satisfied, we want to understand and populate more planets in more parts of the universe but what if that is a design given to all humans to continue a twisted higher "Being" "Game".

The Game

The game itself (in relation to our universe and our dimension) consists of the "Beings" playing their version of a game that once created the universe and will one day ultimately destroy it.

The Beginning 

In the beginning there was one "Being" who decided to create the universe with all the elements we know and all the scientific "rules" we have come to understand, once "it" set off the big bang "it" allowed the universe to grow and (over time) move and create the correct conditions for Planet Earth to thrive, this also made way for "test subjects" e.g. the dinosaurs giving the "Beings" opportunities to bet.
The raw power that the "Being" put into creating the universe also did something unimaginable for "it", "it" began to split at a tremendous rate and also created a kind of hierarchy that is always followed by the "Beings" and will always be there to govern the "Beings" every move in the "Game".

The Hierarchy

The hierarchy is related to how old the "Being" is, the eldest "Being" is the one that gets first pick of the "viewing points" in the universe, this also means that the eldest of the "Beings" was able to map out various different planet formations and work out the best "viewing points" to choose during the betting sequence without any of the other "Beings" knowing.

As with all governed societies there is a black market. The black market consists of the newer formed "beings" entering our dimension and influencing us in many different ways. Every being that enters our dimension takes the form of a human without them knowing and influences them in different ways, for example Jesus was influenced by a "being" but because his brain wasn't developed enough to handle the amount of knowledge that came with the "being" he developed his version of the game into a religion doing everything in the name of "God" but in reality it was to let others know about the hierarchy of "the game", another example of this is Albert Einstein he was influenced by a "Being" making him able to understand and explain parts of "The Game's" structure but not its purpose, thus influencing us to learn about "The Game" in a more technical manor.

The Viewing points

The viewing points are the entry and observatory areas of the universe that we can’t explain such as the centre of the black hole, this allows the "Beings" to view our every move and choose what planets to use in the betting sequence.

The Betting Sequence

The betting sequence occurs when the first complex organism appears on Earth. This then allows the "Beings" to bet on various different things such as the first organism to kill another, natural disasters, species destruction, the first organism to move past pure instinct, the first organism to discover science (the scaffolding of the universe/game e.g. gravity and space time) etc.

The Currency

The currency designed by the "Beings" can be explained in one simple equation, size/distance from viewing point. This is in relation to a planets size and distance from the viewing point the "being" has blindly chosen. So the "beings" randomly choose a "viewing point" from outside of the universe and peer in and use the planet closest to their point in the equation to price the planet then, the resulting number is converted directly into their currency which is called Aliquam.

Winning and Losing

The "Beings" can only win "The Game" when the test subject has created itself its' own version of a utopia then the universe begins to collapse and the game is over. They can only lose in two ways:-

1. When they allow the race that they are betting on to destroy the planet they are residing on, this also means that if that race has successfully vacated their planet of origin and have created any form of a civilization then "the Game" still continues.

2. When they allow the race that they are betting on to find out about the entire system as that would cause massive ripple effects in the games entire make up and there would be no reason for the beings to exist.

From this we can also presume that humans are the perfect balance between winning and losing because from our actions towards each other at some point we will either kill ourselves or kill our planet but there is always be a huge possibility that we as a race collectively can move on to another world and do as our manipulators have pushed us.

At the end of each "Game" all the Aliquam won is then converted into shares of the next set of elements for the next "Game" (universal experiment) to begin with (next big bang).

The shares are vitally important because this allows the "Beings" to also get something in return, more influence in the next universal make up giving them the upper hand in the next "Game".
What Are The "Beings"?

The "Beings" are essence of pure energy, they do not have any features and are parallel to us in terms of dimensions but only exist to gain knowledge, this gives them their reason for splitting, and to play the "Game". 
The "Beings" only split to gain knowledge, which means they are the most perfect virus in existence because they harm nothing other than themselves (in their dimension).

How have the "Beings" influenced us?

The "Beings" have influenced us in so many ways we are blind to them. They have literally created greed, addiction thirst for knowledge, creativity, divide and conquer, breaking the rules and many more and then as they take over human's bodies they leave remenance of these personality traits in the ones they have inhabited meaning they pass them on to their children. They have literally created us and all of our basic personality functions.